This is our blog for the exchange to Vienna. This is the space we are going to share - before, during and after our stay in Vienna. Here we are going to keep projects, diaries, pictures and a whole lot of new experiences. Feel free to make suggestions. And, above all, enjoy yourself!

The school in Vienna we are going to is

Bundesrealgymnasium Wien XIX

and their website


We are leaving on the 17th March 2011 and
we are back on the 24th March 2011

Tuesday 22 February 2011



My name is Andreu Pujadas Rello

I am short, my hair and my eyes are brown.

I am slim.

I like playing football and playing sports, reading books, listening to music, I like speaking, too. I also enjoy going to the cinema and the theatre and museums.

I dislike Brussels sprouts.

My home is big, I have two terraces one is little and the other is big, In my house I have got 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a big living room, a kitchen and two terraces

My family is composed of my parents my dad Antoni and my mom Rosa and my brothers Aleix and Roger.

My hobbies are playing with the computer games, playing Station 3 , painting

“Warhammers” etc…

My expectatins for the exchange are to learn more English and have fun.


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