This is our blog for the exchange to Vienna. This is the space we are going to share - before, during and after our stay in Vienna. Here we are going to keep projects, diaries, pictures and a whole lot of new experiences. Feel free to make suggestions. And, above all, enjoy yourself!

The school in Vienna we are going to is

Bundesrealgymnasium Wien XIX

and their website


We are leaving on the 17th March 2011 and
we are back on the 24th March 2011

Tuesday 22 February 2011


Personal presentation:
My name is Ella Hartweger. I'm 14 years old and my birthday is the 24th of April.
I was born in Vienna (hahaha!) but when I was 3 years old we moved to Barcelona. I don't really know Vienna, last time I went there is about 4 years ago and only for 2 days. So that's the reason why I want to do this exchange.

I'm not very tall and I'm thin. My hair is blond, long and straight. My eyes are brown. I'm sporty, so I like many kinds of sports. I love to dance, actually I'm doing street dance. I also love listen to music and meet my friends. I play the guitar.
I like travelling, my father works every year in a different country (like Mexico, Caribbean or Maldives Islands) so I travel a lot.
I don't like arrogant neither selfish people.
I HATE to wake up early and be stressed.

I live in the Poble Sec district in Barcelona. At home we are 5: my mum -Maria-, her partner -Chris- (the father of my little sister Marilú), my brother -Karli- (13), my sister -Marilú (3) and me.
I also have a rabbit -Irmi-.
We speak german at home ;)

After school I’m doing 2 activities:
-Wednesday --> street dance
-Thursday --> horse riding

I expect this exchange to be a very cool experience. Travel to Vienna for one week, living in our partner's house MUST be a good experience. I also hope to know Vienna a little bit more. :)


My sister Marilú and my mum Maria:


karli, my brother:

That's my family.

- my facebook: Ella Hartwegaa
- my e-mail: ellimaduixa@hotmail.de

ByeeeByee(: eella!

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