This is our blog for the exchange to Vienna. This is the space we are going to share - before, during and after our stay in Vienna. Here we are going to keep projects, diaries, pictures and a whole lot of new experiences. Feel free to make suggestions. And, above all, enjoy yourself!

The school in Vienna we are going to is

Bundesrealgymnasium Wien XIX

and their website


We are leaving on the 17th March 2011 and
we are back on the 24th March 2011

Friday 11 February 2011


Hello, My name is Quim Garcia Congost.
I’m 14 years old. I’m tall and thin. I have black hair and my eyes are green.
I like sports, above all football. I play in a football team and I enjoy a lot. My favourite football team is FC Barcelona. I like music, I play the acoustic guitar and French horn. And I like pizzas, meat... I like a lot of different food.

My house is in Barcelona, near IES Montserrat. It is a good area because if you want to go to the city centre you take the underground and you are there in 5 minutes. Also the Parc Güell is not far from my house. My house is little and cozy. It has a dinning room, my brother’s room, my parents’ room and my room, a kitchen and a bath. Also we have a country house near Girona. In this house you can ride bike, play football and do a lot of things that you can’t do in the city.
My family is formed by my parents, my brother that is 9 years old and myself.

I’m really happy to do this exchange and I’m looking forward to knowing people from another country, to learn English and to going to Vienna.

1 comment:

  1. HI Quim

    Glad to hear that you are already writing in this post. I hope you all guys enjoy Vienna and its nice buidings. Please keep writing in the post regularly.


    Jordi, MAngels i Adrià
